Thursday 7 June 2012

SOUTH OF TUK #19 (post 2)



The angels do not benefit from municipal services; they have no need for fire engines, ambulances or transit services.  Nor are they burdened by taxation.  In fact, government in their realm does not exist.  Although God’s message includes self-abnegation and a request to perform His will, those individuals who acquire understanding of that message soon discover that, rather than losing their personality or their free will, they will find and exercise that individuality more than ever; they will flourish and abound.  God’s angels become His by choice, do His will by choice, and find that they are wholly themselves, governing themselves wholly.  God is not a government.  A government is not necessary in the angelic realm, or amongst holy men, because the Kingdom of heaven is within.  The externalization of divinity is only a recent concept in man’s history, and it is a departure from the teachings of Yehoshuah ben-Joseph.  I AM is the way; I AM is the truth; I AM is the life; you can be your way, your truth, your life.  Only by this way – I AM – can one come to the Father.

The human individual relates to society as a whole in the same relationship an individual cell bears to the body as a whole – the interest of the cell towards the body is indirect; the cell can survive only as long as the whole survives, but the cell is individual, concerned primarily and as a matter of precedence with its own survival.  The body’s survival is a by-product of the cell’s survival; the survival of other cells in the body is assured only by survival of the first cell.  If one does not feed oneself, one cannot survive long enough to feed others.  This, the third part of the Golden Rule – to love self --, is the attitude which produces the angelic self-reliance and ability to produce any result desired.  And this frightens people.